Kazuma Glen Motomura
dancer - actor - martial artist - choreographer - artivist - poet
-Winner Juste Debout World Street Dance Championship London Experimental 2018
- Winner IBE Open Your Mind 2vs2 2019
- Winner Outbox me battle
- Multiple winner Club Oval Berlin
- All Japan Karate Champion age 16
Half Japanese half Zimbabwean/South African. Trained in martial arts, street dance and contemporary dance theater, he seeks to communicate beyond culture and form(ality). Kazuma works in a versatile wide spectrum; performing in close collaboration with political and environmental activists, touring with internationally renowned choreographers, creating in cutting edge film/commercial work, interactive performance in events, teaching, and dancing alone in nature...
In dance, Kazuma has worked with Richard Siegal (Forsythe Company) in a site specific project in Egypt after the revolution ; Tsuyoshi Shirai + Takayuki Fujimoto in 'NODE~Old man in the desert~' touring Aichi Triennalle, Hong Kong, Yokohama ; Perrine Valli (FR/CH) in 'Deproduction' touring France, Switzerland, Germany and Singapore among others.
In acting, Kazuma played the main part in ‘Exodus’, a post apocalyptic film shot in Morocco by Yassine El Idrissi; played Romeo in a martial arts version of Romeo and Juliet in Holland, and has been an actor / martial artist in Spinnin Ronin in both NY and Japan.
In poetry, Kazuma collaborated with electronic music duo Deekro in Garbicz Festival 2019 to perform his poetry 'Lost tribe/ Last Tribe'. While living in NY he has performed his bodypoetry in Nuyorican Poest Cafe and Bowery Poetry Club.
In teaching martial arts and many dance styles, Kazuma started developing his own movement philosophy called Bodypoet method to connect divers movement disciplines to the imagery of nature embodying the repeating patterns of this universe often referencing Japanese calligraphy. He has been invited to Shamanic Festivals in Siberia to teach his method of dancing with natural waters in lakes.
Dance / Theater artist CV
Commercial Work CV
東京生まれ世界育ち。日本人の父と南アフリカ系の母、障害児だった弟を持つ。空手、テコンドー、中国武術、ヒップホップ、コンテンポラリー。。自分の感じる感性をたよりにどの色にも染まることなく築き上げた唯一無二のスタイルを手に日本、ニューヨーク、ヨーロッパのダンスカンパニーで踊る。アートのためのアートでなく今、社会でおきていることに直接はたら きかけるような最新のアクティビズムを織り交ぜるアーティスティックエンターテインメントを模索する。自然と共に踊るダンスメソッドも開発中。今は役者、コメディアン、詩人、映像作家として才能を開拓し続ける。
Halb Japaner, halb Zimbabwer/Südafrikaner, bemüht sich, ein ganzer Mensch zu werden. Ausbildung in verschiedenen Kampfkünsten, Straßentanz in New York und zeitgenössischem Tanz am Hunter College und bei europäischen und japanischen Lehrern. Kazuma strebt nach Kommunikation über Kultur und Form(alität) hinaus und arbeitet in ganz unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen: Performances in enger Zusammenarbeit mit politischen Aktivitsten und Umweltschützern, Reisen in den Ensembles internationaler Choreographen wie Richard Siegal und Perrine Valli, Lehrtätigkeit, kommerzielle Arbeiten und Tanz ganz allein in freier Natur.